Everyday Pursuits

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We're Engaged!

Yes, it happened - when all of you thought it would – during our two week European vacay! It’s funny because a month or so before we went on our trip I really didn’t think it was going to happen but after tons of DMs from you guys saying “OMG it’s going to happen in Italy!” or “AHH this is it, you’re coming back engaged” it did start to cross my mind a bit. And then I knew. You guys, I legit knew almost to the second.

We're engaged: Ashley Torres + Andy Fisher! Everyday Pursuits Gets Engaged

Let me explain (also keep scrolling for THE vid):

A few days before I left for Europe (remember, I went 2 weeks before Andy), Andy said something under his breath like “Eek, I only have 2 weeks to find a ring!” to which I said “umm babe, you don’t have to propose on our vacation! don’t rush it… “

Getting engaged was something we’d been talking about seriously since the beginning of the year. He had my “I DO” Pinterest board memorized at this point and I knew it was definitely happening before the end of the year. 

After that pre-vacay convo I put it out of my head, because as someone anticipating an engagement, there’s nothing worse than going on a trip with your bf thinking it’s going to happen then being disappointed when it doesn’t. And truth be told, I didn’t think Andy could pull something together in two weeks time AND have the guts to embark on his first international trip with an engagement ring in hand. I was wrong!

Parc de la Ciutadella - Everyday Pursuits Engaged!

Fast forward 2ish weeks to when Andy met me in Barcelona. (I’m not going to lie, I spent some time the prior week romanticizing a potential European engagement but tried my hardest to put it out of my mind.)  He had a pretty good poker face once he arrived. We had plans to meet up with another couple, Kevin and Emily, who were also traveling in Barcelona. All four of us had a group text going on discussing plans to meet up over the next few days, and then …. I see Andy texting Kevin outside of the group text. In my mind I’m thinking “Why are you texting him outside of the group text?? What secrets are you talking about?!” And then I just knew it was coming.

The day we got engaged I 99% knew it was going to happen because it was the last day we would be with Kevin and Emily and I figured one of the main reasons Andy wanted to do it in Barcelona is to have them to capture the moment.  After a full day of exploring we took a little siesta and planned to meet Kevin and Emily for drinks on our patio before all heading out to dinner. Naturally, as I was getting ready for the night I kept thinking “Act normal. Don’t get too dressed up, but you know, look cute!” Mind you it was 90 degrees and SO humid out. In perfect Ashley + Andy fashion, as we were getting ready I almost blew up my hair dryer and therefore had to let my hair air dry THEN Andy put in his contacts and started screaming bloody murder because he accidentally put them in the overnight solution instead of the temporary solution when we took our afternoon nap. “It can’t be tonight… nope, things are not going right!” was all I kept thinking.

Everyday Pursuit Engagement in Barcelona: Ashley + Andy

Everyday Pursuits Engagement in Barcelona: Ashley + Andy

Everyday Pursuits Barcelona Engagement: Ashley + Andy

Crazy haired lady and her blood-shot eyed bf headed to drinks with Kevin and Emily and then we all decided to take a walk through Parc de la Ciutadella at sunset. As we were walking through the park I was reading everyone’s body language and they were all sooo calm, it really threw me off. THEN Andy slowly started to walk with me in front of Kevin and Emily and I was like “THIS IS IT!” and realized I was holding my purse in one hand and my phone in the other … "AHH I need hands for this!" I quickly threw my phone in my bag and crossed it over my body so I could have hands for ALL the THINGS. Then it happened….

It happened... we're engaged!

You guys, I totally blacked out and have no idea what he said. Andy also sweat through his shirt because it was SO hot and he was so nervous. Hah - it was perfect and SO us! Afterwards we celebrated with Kevin and Emily and had the best meal in Barcelona at Eldiset. From there we went to Paris and pretty much had a 2 week engagement moon ending in Rome

And here we are.... 1.5 months later and we're engaged! WE'RE ENGAGED!!! Still pinching myself. It's THE best aside from the daunting task of planning a wedding (more about that on Weds.). Thank you for all your sweet words on our IG announcement and thanks to Kevin + Emily for capturing the special moment! Andrew Mark Fisher - I can't wait to spend my life with you!!! 

Stay tuned for lots of wedding realness coming your way! xo - Ash