Everyday Pursuits

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Camo in the City

NYFW is officially underway and I'm really excited to be in NY to experience another season of fabulous fashion, parties and just the city in general. There's something about being here that inspires my outfits in a different way - lots of NYFW posts to come.

   My fall wardrobe is slowly coming out. First it was  the booties and now surprise, surprise... military is back again! Time to bring out the camo pants (psst... I never put them away).

{zara pants (old) - similar here, here, &  here // gap+ threadless tee (in-store) // zara flats // sole society bag and sunnies}

Camo, like leopard, has really become a neutral in the wardrobe department. Dress 'em up or down, the sky's the limit! Loving this whole t- shirt trend- actually rocking a few different graphic tees at NYFW.  Follow #pursuitgoestoNY on  Twitter  &  Instagram  for instant NY vacation and NYFW updates.