behind pursuit of shoes

{something new is coming}

7+ yrs ago I started because I needed a creative outlet from my job as a corporate accountant. At 23 I had no idea what the heck I was doing and I was certainly having a hard time adjusting to adulting. Here we are, two days before my 31st birthday and I’m now pursuing SO much more than shoes thanks to all of you amazing humans. ✨  What started as a ridiculous obsession with shoes has continued to evolve into fashion, beauty, travel, entrepreneurship, and relationships… i.e.: pursuing ALL.THE. THINGS. the older I get (#thisis30) the more I want to have REAL daily discussions with you and connect with you on a deeper level than just my fave new pair of shoes. 💕@EverydayPursuits just seems like the natural evolution, doesn’t it? don’t worry, there will still be tons of style! Honestly, not too much is going to change other than the name, some more #pursuitgetsreal posts, and a snazzy new website; I’ll still always be ‘pursuit’. I’m so extremely grateful for you guys for allowing me to evolve and joining me on this journey - like who the heck would’ve thought this was a real job 20 yrs ago?  💻  The new site is currently a WIP but I wanted to introduce you to the “new brand” so I can share all the behind the scenes as we bring it to life over the next few months. Virtual hugs coming to you from Venice, CA! xo - Ash

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